KLM Cityhooper

  • Curious

    How come they reject my application? This was my third application and they refuse to take me on! I meet all their requirements and am fluent in several languages. :/


  • Evelien

    I don't think you'll find your answer here. Perhaps you could try and give KLC a ring and ask them why. That might give you a better idea!


  • cin

    Are you applying on UK side or Dutch side? Maybe because you do not speak Dutch? Fill us in…..

  • Stewardoos

    Maybe it's because you live in Sweden ?

  • Curious

    I am willing to relocate, although never stated this in my application. Will they give feedback on one's application?

  • cin

    Give them a call!

  • Curious

    What's the telephone number?

  • Evelien

    You'll probaply find the phonenumber on the site where you found the application form. They have to give you the reasons for rejecting you if you ask for them.

  • Curious

    I emailed them and they replied rather quickly. She said I do not have enough customer service experience (although I have been in a customer service job for more than five years). She also claimed I would need more face to face-related experience as their requierments is at least 24 months.

    It doesn't make sense :/

  • Curious

    Anyone else who has had the same experience? :/